A resident of South Texas witnessed and filmed a bright white light traveling in the daytime sky and eventually disappearing behind some clouds. At one point, a strange black object zips by but this could very well be a bug or bird. As well, the white object could simply be a plane or helicopter. Whatever the case, check out the play-by-play photos, the video, and the witness description: So I was out feeding the dogs when I look up to the sky and almost directly over my head I saw this spherical shaped object. I have no clue what it might be. It can't be a plane, at least I assume, because it is static. Then, goes behind a cloud but never comes out. My guess is as good as yours. Drone, balloon, alien? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Texas UFO Sightings Facebook page.
And as always, if you've seen a UFO in Texas recently, report it!
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