A new video of a UFO flying over a volcano has been uploaded to YouTube. (For those who may not be aware, volcanoes are a common place for UFOs to appear, and live webcams have helped us to document them!) The most recent UFO sighting occurred in Japan, over the Sakurajima volcano. Check out the video and video stills below, and let me know if you have any explanations for what this strange light could be. The YouTube channel that uploaded the footage suggests it could be a comet or rocket, but I don't have any evidence (so far) to conclude anything but "UFO":
A very clear video showing a white, pill-shaped UFO traveling through the sky has been uploaded to MUFON (case 106138), along with witness testimony. A YouTuber has posted the witness' video as well, so you can easily watch below: White capsule shaped UAP sighted in daylight by two people in Naples, Florida. What's interesting is I covered another similar sighting like this recently, but that time it was of two objects over Texas: When: December 17th, 2019 at 5:20 PM Where: Arlington (near Dallas International Airport) What: 2 steadily moving objects similar to "Tic Tac" UFOs seen and photographed in daytime sky https://www.texasufosightings.com/new-sightings/i-was-a-bit-embarrassed-to-be-standing-on-the-sidewalk-looking-up-in-the-middle-of-my-neighborhood-witness-photographs-tic-tac-ufos-over-neighborhood-in-arlington I'm not sure if these cases are related, but the testimonies remind me of each other... in Florida, the witness described the UFO as a "white capsule" and "UAP," and in Texas, the UFOs were described as being shaped like a "Tic Tac."
Now, "Tic Tac" UFOs and "UAPs" are all modern-day ways to talk about UFOs (we can thank the news and "To the Stars Academy" for that...) So the question is are we really seeing more "Tic Tac" UFOs than before, or are people just more aware, and describing them in new ways? Let me know what you think of this recent sighting, and others, in the comments, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
A video showing a large, dark, cigar-shaped object, with a flashing red light, hovering over a neighborhood has been uploaded to YouTube. I'm still trying to track down more information, but in the meantime, if you saw this UFO as well, report your sighting! For the rest of you, what do you think this video shows? An alien spaceship, or something more plausible, like a blimp? At a glance, this object sure does look like a blimp, however it appears to be stationary and is not making a motor noise like you would expect for a blimp. As always, you be the judge! Check out the videos below and then share your take on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or in the comments section below: Footage of blimp (to compare):
A MUFON report (case 95145) detailing a white, cigar-shaped object hovering over California and then disappearing was submitted today: Observed white cigar object hovering above mountains in San Bernardino then vanish in midair.
Cigar UFOs are some of the more interesting and perplexing UFOs out there. Does this recent one join other mysterious cases, like in Texas in June 2018? In the case in Texas, the cigar UFO moved steadily through the sky, however, so could be explained as a border patrol drone (which looks similar).
In this most recent example, the cigar UFO apparently was stationary for a while before disappearing, so drone, plane, or anything man-made seems unlikely.
Share your opinions on this UFO sighting and more in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
Photos taken of a group of helicopters over Mexico City show a UFO, which makes you wonder if the helicopters were observing the UFO or even escorting it. Check out the photos below, which were sent to me by witness Gustavo Barajas. The photos were taken about the same time, with one photo just showing the helicopters and the other photos showing a dark, elongated object among them:
What do you think of this photograph? Does it show aliens, a top-secret military craft, or something else unexplained? Or perhaps this is just a camera anomaly? Share your theories in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Are you in Mexico City? Did you see this, too? Report your sighting! |
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