A very strange sighting of bright orbs of light hovering low to the ground, and seemingly forming a triangle, over Colorado, has been submitted to MUFON (case 101385): Saw 3 white/blue lights creating a line, then changed into different types of triangles and different sizes out by Ute HWY in between Lyons and Longmont. Changed direction as I did, and looked as if the bottom point of the triangle, was on the ground or hovering over a small body of water. On 1 of the 5 nights I've witnessed this, I was out of the car snapping pictures of the triangular object and it approached me,and all cellphone reception was lost until getting back on the Hwy. Notification popped up saying "no cell service available", while Spotify was still working. As I headed back into Longmont, the object continued hovering alongside the Hwy towards Platteville changing in different triangular formations. Lights would also blink on and off randomly.
According to a recent MUFON report (case 96860), a bright white orb was seen speeding off into the clouds. The witness submitted photos and testimony: We were driving home from the store in Colorado Springs we saw a super bright light to the south east of us , as we got closer I told my wife to take a picture of the object at which time it speed away at a high rate of speed we took two pictures of the object one was close and by the time she presses the button on the camera a second time it was far and heading up into a cloud we are talking fractions of a second. the two photos have several reference points in common.We live near many military installations, I know what airplanes look like.never seen anything like it.
UFOJane discusses a recent MUFON report detailing a UFO seen by a passenger in a plane. Share your thoughts about this sighting on YouTube or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram:
Video showing an extremely strange, illuminated object (somewhat diamond shaped) hovering over Southern Colorado was subtly uploaded to YouTube. The video was featured on a UFO blog and has so far generated over 10,000 views. That same UFO blog also shared that other sites had debunked the video has a hoax, claiming it to have been uploaded prior to April and with a different location attached. However, I could not find any record of previous postings of this video, so I thought this was still worth sharing:
Do you think this video is another hoax? Or could it be real? I will do my best to get more information, but in the meantime, share your take below in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you've ever seen a UFO like this, report your sighting!
A Colorado family witnessed an amazing event in the night sky a couple nights ago, and fortunately submitted testimony as well as a drawing to MUFON (case 80119). Check out the witness photo and description here: My wife and I were sitting on our back deck talking while sitting by a fire in our fire pit. I had just given my wife my phone to read an article about San Luis Valley sand dunes.
What do you think of this sighting? Is it related to similar reports of V or triangle-shaped crafts in the US? Have you seen anything like this?
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