Spooky footage showing a dark round sphere hovering in the daytime sky and also making surprising movements and bouncing around, has circulated online for years. Some claim the footage is from 2010, while others, including a forum poster on Reddit, claim it is from 1995. Check out this classic UFO video, which recently resurfaced on Reddit along with apparent new witness testimony, and be the judge for yourself on whether or not this is real: B. came to the place alone just to videotape a cedar tree – the only tree in that area. He borrowed the camera from his friend only for short period. After 5 minutes of video shooting, B. has noticed all of a sudden some movement close to him. When he realized, that was a UFO, he hesitated a little and started to watch it: “By doing this I was confused and forgot, that I had a camera. When I finally realized that I could shoot it, I took the camera but the object has disappeared. I was overwhelmed by disappointment. I was running back in the forest looking for that object. Nothing happened. And suddenly I noticed it on the distance of 50 meters over a glade. I started to shoot it.”
According to locals, UFO sightings are common the area.
Maybe that's why there an alien monument was built there in 2011:
Some of the most amazing UFO and alien videos and stories originate in Russia, making one wonder if there's something about Russia that attracts strangeness.
What do you think about this controversial UFO case? Do you have any theories or information to share about it? Share away in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
Unsolved Files: Large, Silent, Dark Craft Glides Over Texas, Looked Like "Black Knight" Satellite1/16/2018
1/16/18 Update: The witness would like to add that the neighborhood they live in is normally very busy with people walking, doing yard work, etc, but during this event, the block was totally quiet (just like the UFO). The witness has also experienced other strange events in the area, but it's not clear yet if they are related. Original story: The same year of the famous Phoenix Lights UFO incident, another giant dark craft traveled over a town in Texas. According to the witness, who just sent detailed testimony to TexasUFOs, the large UFO looked a lot like the "Black Knight Satellite," a legendary rumored alien craft that many people believe has been photographed orbiting planet Earth from space. As always, you be the judge: It was getting dark but still light outside. I was coming back from the store on corey Dr. The trees lined the street so when looking up you could only see a street wide section off the sky. It was Just above the tree tops, I saw something appear to my left. I stopped the car and rolled down my window, stick my head out and watched as it slowly went passed. It made zero sound. There were lights in order on one side. Blue, green, red, white. And directly to other side those same color lights were scattered together. It was the size of an entire block. Huge! The shape was different on all sides. Sharp corners , long lines, rounded. All I could see was the bottom because it was so big. As it passed directly above me, I moved to passenger side, rolled down window and watched it cross the street. The normal ME would have followed it. What I did was drive home and not think about it till the next day.
Incredible eyewitness testimony of an rectangular UFO the size of "several football fields" flying quietly over Austin in the 1980s has just now been submitted to MUFON (case 88913). Apparently the local newspaper covered the event and described it as a satellite or meteor falling, however this witness disagrees:
Artist rendering of similar rectangle UFO from 2009:
Huge sized over several football fields noiseless moving from south to north over Austin.
I haven't had any luck in finding old newspaper clippings about this 1987 Austin UFO sighting, but if you have more information, please share on the website or on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram!
Guillermo del Toro, the acclaimed director of Hellboy, Pan's Labyrinth, Pacific Rim, and Trollhunters, saw a UFO and although it gave him a scare, he wasn't all that impressed by it in the end. According to an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, del Toro stated:
“You sound like a complete lunatic, but I saw a UFO. I didn't want to see a UFO... went from 1,000 meters away [to much closer] in less than a secon d... it was horribly designed ... It was so crappy .... It was a flying saucer, so clichéd, with lights [blinking]. It's so sad: I wish I could reveal they're not what you think they are. They are what you think they are.”
As amusing as del Toro's eyewitness testimony is, does it give credibility to other UFO reports of flying saucers, sometimes including hard-to-believe photos or videos? Share your thoughts on this celebrity UFO sighting and more in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.
And make sure to keep up with all the latest Alien and UFO Disclosure right here.
Amazing footage of a round glowing craft hovering and humming in the nighttime sky over Colorado has been submitted to MUFON (case 88937) and then uploaded to YouTube by a popular UFO channel. The witness claims to have seen the UFO on multiple occasions, and believes "they" are searching for something: I drive a truck from colo to wyoming four times a week. I take a break returning from wyoming usually at this same spot, hwy 287 at Teds place. I took a short nap and when I awoke I saw multiple craft in the valley in front of me. I grabbed my phone and tried to get pics but it was too dark and the camera kept shutting off. I pulled out a digital camera and it kept shutting off, after about five tries I started recording the video. The same craft were there every night for weeks but seemed to move west toward the mountain.I believe they were searching for something. The sightings were a about the same time every morning. there were many craft from real small to larger like the one in the video.
Does this video show an alien spaceship hovering over Fort Collins, Colorado in 2013, or are we seeing something a bit less mysterious... like a hoax, or misidentified plane or drone? Share your theories in the comments below or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
In the meantime, make sure to check back every day for the latest UFO sightings and news. |
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