An interesting witness testimony and drawing of a triangle UFO over Spokane, Washington has been submitted to MUFON (case 106039). Triangles have been seen in Texas and all over the US recently, and many believe they are advanced military craft that is reverse engineered from alien tech: Dark Triangle with white center light, colored twinkling lights on corners.
Considering the seeming spike in triangle UFOs in the US, what could be the cause? Is there an increase of top-secret military crafts, like the Mirror UK suggests (see photo below), or alien visitation... or both?
If you've seen a triangle UFO, report your sighting.
Got theories on this UFO sighting and others like it? Share them in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Someone gazing up at stars in Des Moines, Washington accidentally got a photo of - what looks to be - a giant flying disc (or saucer). The UFO was only noticed when the witnessed look at photos afterward, so it could be a strange camera anomaly or reflection, however I have never seen a "mistaken" photo like this before, so thought it was worth sharing (MUFON case 92688): Captured image in picture. I did not see ufo at time of pic
What do you think about this flying saucer photo? Could it be a hoax, a camera anomaly, misidentification, or perhaps... an alien spaceship? Share your theories below in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
The loud sound of sea lions lured a witness outside to see what was going on, which prompted them to take a photo. Check out this supposed photo showing a collection of mysterious orbs over the Puget Sound and judge for yourself if these are UFOs are something man-made (perhaps Chinese lanterns?). Photo and testimony were submitted to MUFON (case 90737): Heard sea lions from puget sound making noise...snapped some photos "Two very large bright balls of light hovering in the sky" - UFOs Photographed in Washington9/16/2017
Two bright glowing orbs were seen and photographed hovering over a neighborhood in Washington, according to a recent MUFON report (case 86620): I saw an object in the sky that had 4 lights blinking in a disc shape. My fiance and I watched it move in random directions then moved behind a tree. We walked down the street to get a better view but it was gone. When we got back to the driveway we looked back to see two very large bright balls of light hovering in the sky. We watched them for several minutes then they started to drift apart then disappeared.
The same day in California, a glowing orb was seen and photographed traveling up to a rainbow! Could these sightings be related?
Pretty amazing photo and account! What do you think this witness saw? Could they have seen drones? Or could they be something much more mysterious than that... like aliens, or even a weird weather phenomenon? Share your theories about this UFO sighting in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram! |
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