Texas UFO Sightings has received a report of a strange-looking "orb" UFO seen in the daytime over North Texas. Apparently a plane, or possibly even two planes, also flew by the UFO. Perhaps the pilots were curious as to what the object was? Or do these photos just show a party balloon? (Interesting enough, in late November, a white "Tic Tac"-shaped UFO was seen following a jet over South Texas.) Check out the photos and testimony below, and as always, let me know what you think about this recent Texas UFO sighting. Seemed like a shiny big balloon but was flying way to high and flying too steady to be a balloon. Didn't make any noise and was gliding east. Then stopped and headed west. Either 2 planes were flying around it or one plane flew by it twice as I saw a plane fly by followed by another plane sighting flying a different direction around it
12/17/2021 Update: The witness has followed up with a drawing they made of the UFO, as well as a clarification on where the sighting occurred - "5 miles south of Putnam TX between the cities of Cisco & Baird." Check out the picture below:
A really detailed testimony of a "metallic looking saucer-shaped object" that would hover and then shoot off at incredible speed has been submitted to me. This UFO was seen back in 2010, but the witness - Danny C - was reluctant to talk about it. Luckily for us, they are now finally coming forward with their story: *(some spelling errors fixed)* "Craft with curved wings like an S shape" seen flying and then vanishing over Abilene, TX11/16/2020
A craft with "S-shaped" wings was seen flying over Abilene, Texas, according to a recent NUFORC report (case S159776). Although the witness did not submit photos or video, we have provided a possible digital rendering of what they saw. Check that out along with the witness testimony: Craft with curved wings like an S shape (for the wings) flying over then vanish Although it seems unlikely that the witness would have misidentified a bird as a craft, it's worth noting that birds can have "S-shaped" wings in mid flight. See this photo of some sea birds, as an example. For what it's worth, there have been recent sightings of pelicans in Abilene: What do you think? Did this witness see a UFO, possibly a top-secret military craft, or even an alien spaceship? Let me know your theories in the comments. And if you've also seen a UFO like this before, report your sighting!
Mystery lights were filmed by a witness in North Texas. Check out UFOJane's analysis of the sighting, and if you saw these lights as well, report your sighting!
A really incredible account of UFOs over Texas has been submitted to MUFON (case 105073). What's especially interesting about this case is it occurred in the 50s. For starters, there were many reports of flying saucers over Texas during the early part of this decade, and there was even a famous incident of orbs over the White House in 1952, which the witness actually compared their sighting to! Another interesting thing about this sighting being in the 50s is that it's only just now being reported! This sighting has never left the witness' mind. The now 77-year-old witness recalls being 11-years-old and playing with their older teen brother, when they both saw speedy, green orbs: Witness wrote that the UFOs were similar to the ones filmed over Washington DC in 1952: Do you think these cases are related? What was going on in the 50s to cause all of these sightings?
I'm looking into this case more and would love to talk to the witness, but in the meantime, did you live in Texas in the 50s? Did you see anything unusual in the sky? Report your sighting. |
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