A report of a V-shaped craft hovering over a witness' jeep and then mysteriously vanishing in South Texas, has been submitted to TexasUFOSightings. "Onkia" writes: Going to store about 2:00 am saw a strange "boomerang" (sp) shaped craft, idling above my jeep. I had to pull over to look at it while IT appeared to notice me. I heard no noise, no engines etc and in a mili-second flash it had vanished before i got my cell . Not able to capture pic etc
A really amazing and eerie video showing mysterious solid bright lights, seemingly forming triangles (so possibly they could be connected lights on a craft), slowly and silently gliding over Brownsville, Texas was uploaded to YouTube a while back. For some reason, I missed this sighting and so I wanted to share it again today to see what the community thinks. Could this just be a simple case of Chinese lanterns, or are these triangle UFOs? Video warning: foul language Did you see these lights as well? Report your sighting!
Do you have theories on what these lights could be? As always, share them in the comments below, or Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
July 28th, 2017 Update: I was fortunate enough to get a direct update from MUFON about this sighting; the San Antonio chapter investigators believe this green object could actually be something dangling off a balcony or ledge off in the near distance. Meanwhile, some on Facebook have suggested a balloon. Unfortunately, this is not the clearest-cut explanation, but it is reasonable. That said, other reports of similar UFOs in the Texas sky have since been shared through comments online. What do you think? Original story: A South Texas resident witnessed a UFO shaped like a gray S and moving silently across the sky and leaving behind a misty trail. They confirmed that their friend in town also saw the UFO, so this really rules out a small object like a balloon. They fortunately submitted testimony to TexasUFOs: It was traveling from east to west and moving very slow across the sky. The moon was low so it appeared to travel right over it continuing a straight path from east to the west . I've seen many documentaries and TV shows but this shape wasn't like anything I've ever heard of. It was an S shape propeller that was spinning very slow while it crept across the sky . There was absolutely no sound and no lights . I ran inside then went to my backyard and followed it until it disappeared into the distance . At that point I asked if anybody on Facebook had seen it too, A friend of mine replied that him and his mother experienced the same object . During the next 30 minutes I continue to go back outside around three times but of course there was nothing there anymore . On the fourth time is when I noticed a strange mist all across the sky exactly tracing the path of the object . I'm really freaked out about this . I'm searching for a scientific explanation and will wait for tomorrow to see if it comes out on the news or if anybody has video or pictures of this object . Did not want to call the authorities because I would sound like a lunatic. Lol.
In San Antonio, last month, a UFO case was reported to MUFON detailing a worm or S-shaped green UFO:
There have also been other sightings of S-shaped UFOs over the years, including in Belfast in 2013:
Could this latest sighting be related to others like it? Or did this witness see something totally unique? If you are in the Brownsville area and also saw this, help crack the case and report your sighting!
Otherwise, share your thoughts on this sighting in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
Today testimony and video was sent to MUFON (case 78186) detailing a slow-moving and/or hovering tube-shaped UFO in the daytime sky over South Texas:
video link: https://www.mufoncms.com/files_jeud8334j/77886_submitter_file1__trim.2491EEC8EB7244D58B8644A977668A9A.MOV
My brother was driving back home after a fishing trip on hwy 48 when he noticed a bright oval shape object moving slowly from left to right then stopping and hovering. The sky was cloudless at that time of day ,you can see the sunset on the background of the video he recorded. The object had a small object that was trailing the big oval object and was absorbed, but was not captured on the video.
Did you see this craft as well? If so, report your sighting. Maybe you can help solve this case.
Have thoughts on what this is? Share them in the comments or on Facebook or Twitter.
Three blue lights were spotted moving around the sky, and although they somewhat look like spotlights (in the video and photo below), the witness doesn't think what they were: Saw three lights moving all around. They didn't make any noise and did not move like planes or helicopters. Maybe drones? They weren't spotlights, and they moved behind the clouds. Stayed for several minutes until we left the area. The witness reported this event anonymously to Texas UFO Sightings and MUFON. Did you see this as well? Were they spotlights or something else? Report your sighting!
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