Right after reporting on a triangle UFO that was seen over Buda, Texas, on May 15th, I stumbled across ANOTHER triangle UFO report (MUFON case 122324) from just a few days later, 20 minutes north of Buda, in Austin: (witness testimony:) If video below does not display, click this link.
I went around digging for other "triangle" UFO/UAP reports nearby, and I found this NUFROC report out of Austin, Texas, from April 9th, 2022, which I thought was worth sharing:
Just now - heard helicopter over my apartment - looked out to see Triangle craft - being followed by police chopper
So, what do you think of this recent string of Central, Texas triangle UFOs? Do you think they are all misidentifications (of drones, planes, etc)? Or do you think these UFOs could be part some strange, perhaps alien, pattern?
Let me know what you think in the comments or on Facebook or Twitter. Lastly, if you've seen a UFO over Texas, report it.
A really fantastic video showing a "triangle UFO" over Texas has been submitted to me by the witness. Nicholas Santos and his wife, Susan, were taking pictures of the Super Flower Moon Blood Eclipse for their son to see later (he was asleep at the time), when they noticed three lights moving mysteriously in the sky at low altitude. Nicholas viewed them through binoculars, while Susan took a video: My wife and I captured about 50 seconds of video of the craziest thing we've ever seen last night during peak totality of the lunar eclipse. 3 illuminated or glowing UAPs shifting in and out of triangular formation as they moved quickly through the night sky over Buda, TX. Figured I'd reach out because we can't stop thinking about it. And I got a good look at em through binoculars too.
Nicholas has not been able to get this sighting out of his head, and I don't blame him. What do you think this Texas couple saw? Could they have witnessed drones flying in formation, a top-secret military craft, or... could aliens have been observing the Blood Moon, too?
Let me know your thoughts and theories in the comments below (here or on TikTok), or on Facebook or Twitter. And if you saw this as well, and have any more information to share, please do!
A video and testimony of a mysterious ball of light slowly descending and ascending in the night sky has been submitted to me. What is especially intriguing about this sighting is the witness claims the UFO followed them all the way from Austin to San Marcos, Texas! Check it out: As I was going south on I35 I witnessed two flying objects one on the left and one in the right side of me the one on the the left flew like an airplane and had the flashing lights. I knew that it was a plane indeed. On the right the ball of light was huge and too big to be a star too bright to be a plane. And it was slowly descending. I realized that it was following me. I was driving from Round Rock to San Marcos. It followed me from I35 and Braker all the way to my exit about a mile from Kyle at 210. I passed Austin Buda and Kyle. The whole time this white ball of light was keeping up. I ran out of gas and had to pull over. I was hoping it would wait for me. Amazingly it did. As I walked out of the store I spotted it in the same place I left it and it was hovering like slightly moving up and down. When I got back on the road it followed. It would glide and periodically move closer to the ground then back up but somehow it was still pushing forward. It stayed on my right the whole time. Once I exited the freeway I drove on the feeder road for about a mile before I had to make a right. At the point I lost sight. I’m not sure if it disappeared and reappeared or if I just missed it gliding across to my left. It was leaving and getting smaller. Luckily I had to make a left to get home. I wanted a witness so I called my husband and asked him to meet me outside so he can see too. I pulled up and grabbed him we spotted it and so I drove a little closer so he could see as the light was moving further away. I wanted him to see what I saw so bad. Half disappointed that it was leaving and surprisingly I started to come back. Not only that it was descending again!!! It was awesome. We watched for another couple minutes then we went home. I went inside while my husband gathered my things. When he got inside he said it was directly over our home and can be seen clearly. We brought the kids to see for a bit and went inside as it ascended back into the galaxy slowly getting smaller until it blended into the stars. I wasn’t afraid I was halfway expecting to see this. It was exciting. No one around me seemed to notice or care. This felt personal like they wanted me to see for myself. This whole event lasted about 30-40 min. And that’s my ufo encounter. The video by itself shows a light in the sky and not much else, so it's hard to rule out drone or plane. If you also saw this UFO, or have had an experience like this, help us to solve this mystery and report your sighting!
What do you think about this recent Texas UFO sighting? Comment away right here, or head over to Facebook and Texas and join the conversation there.
A daytime photo of a bright yellow round object with a trail behind it has been submitted to TexasUFOs by witness Bgates. It is unclear if the witness saw the UFO with the naked eye, or just through the camera lens or in the photos later, but hopefully more will be revealed: My mom was dropping off my sister and i was taking pictures of the sunrise and when i looked at the pictures i had taken there was a glowing orb which appeared to be moving extremely fast as it had a smoke trail behind it which can clearly be seen in the picture.
Do you think this is a lens flare, or perhaps a meteor? Share your thoughts in the comments below. If you've seen anything like this in Texas recently, report your sighting!
A dark triangle craft hovered over Buda, according to a witness report just submitted to MUFON (case 80994): Driving to work at 6.20am on fm1626. It is pitch dark at that time and I noticed two bluish lights ahead. Thought they looked unusual. I keep driving, first thinking they weren't moving, and so I thought it was and airplane facing me. You know how they can look immobile when facing you. I got closer and thought no that's not a plane, maybe a helicopter? No as I got closer I finally thought maybe two drones are being flown because the lights looked like large bluish led lights. This all happened over the course of me driving about 2 miles at 50 mph. I slowed down as I got closer and once I was passing it I could tell that it was a dark triangle almost as dark as the sky, and that it was triangular because the third light was then visible in back. The object remained motionless the entire time. I'm not sure that anyone else saw it. Traffic was abnormally light this morning. But there were no clouds blocking my view. It seemed to be about 500ft away on the east side of the road. Object didn't make any noise. I lost sight of it as I drove by. The entire time I was driving to it, I kept thinking this is something someone else is flying etc. But sure enough it wasn't an airplane, helicopter or drone. Very solid and dark looking.
What do you think of all these triangle UFO sightings? Have you seen a triangel UFO? Are we seeing military crafts or ET crafts or both?
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