(Hey everyone - UFOJane here. I'll be visiting the location of this UFO sighting later this week, as part of the Edinburg UFO Festival. You can buy tickets to the event here. Or you can stay at home and follow along for coverage on Instagram and YouTube!) Original story:
Although no photos or videos were taken of the amazing encounter, eight witnesses in total lived to tell about it. In the fall of 1966, eight male construction workers were digging in a rural area north of Edinburgh, Texas when a UFO approached them. The men panicked and it's possible that they shot their guns up at the UFO. The mysterious craft then reportedly shot down beams of light onto their construction site, which subsequently caught on fire. The entire site, including two vehicles and a small mobile home or RV, was destroyed. Another local reported seeing a cigar-shaped UFO in the area around the same time, and so this may be the same UFO that caused all the destruction. Scroll down for photos, video and more about this incredible Texas UFO case: The sheriff of Donna, Texas at the time (just 25 minutes from Edinburg) later shared that he had been approached by people dressed in military uniforms who asked about the UFO report. Sheriff E. E. Vickers believed the people were from the nearby Moore Air Base.
Do you have any tips about this case? Share them! What do you think of this incredible Texas UFO encounter? Share your comments here or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. You may also like:
A UFO sighting from more than 20 years ago is just now surfacing online. According to a MUFON report (case 120510), a UFO appeared over a witness in Edinburgh, Texas in 1996: UFO came right above my head and hovered for approx. 10 min. Although this description is vague and leaves a lot to the imagination, I thought it was worth sharing because of the fact that the witness reported it to the Sheriff!
To make matters more intriguing, Edinburgh, Texas is home to a famed UFO incident from 1966 that also received a police report! In that incident, a flaming cigar-shaped object seemingly caused a fire. The UFO sighting occurred near Moore Air Base, similar to this more recent one from 1996. Could these cases be related? Let me know what you think in the comments. Have you seen a UFO in Texas recently? Report your sighting.
A Texas resident heard a sonic boom and then looked up in the sky to see a jet seemingly chasing after a UFO. They weren't able to snap a photo or take video, but they did submit testimony to TexasUFOSightings.com: I work outside Edinburg just outside of San Manuel. I was working outside cleaning up my yard when I heard what sounded like a sonic boom. I looked up to the sky to see what it was and I saw very high up in the sky a fighter jet chasing what looked like a tiny shiny object. I noticed the shiny object was very fast and the jet would have to maneuver very fast to keep up with it then they both disappeared in the distance. It was the most bizarre thing I have ever experienced. Small UFOs have been photographed near planes before.
A really clear, daytime video showing a bright white, cigar or cone-shaped UFO traveling at a constant rate of speed over South Texas has been uploaded to YouTube: has no noise, no propellers. its no blimp, no plane or helicopter. don't look like a drone
One person commented on the YouTube video and suggested that this UFO could really be a high-tech border patrol drone.
What do you think? As always, share your theories below in the comments, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
Did you also see this UFO? Report your sighting! ![]() Lights slowly changing formations over Edinburg When I viewed the video pf the strange lights moving over Edinburg, TX, I really thought they looked like cars moving over a hill or street line obscured by the nighttime sky. However, the YouTuber - Battlefieldmember03 - who posted the sighting has confirmed that she or he was indeed only looking up at the sky: there is no hills on Edinburgh tx. And I confirm that iam not on a hill , it was ground zero just looking up the sky Here's the video again: |
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