I have received detailed testimony of a UFO over the Dallas area from a past Christmas Eve. I'm not sure if this was a recent sighting in 2020 or from a long time ago, but I will try to gather more information about this sighting. In the meantime, read the report yourself, and let me know what you think of it in the comments below. What's interesting about this account is the witnesses were so shocked, that they didn't even discuss the sighting the day after it occurred! It was Christmas eve and I was coming home from my grandmothers house. There's this field that me and my old friends used to always play in. Anyway, we were driving past the field when I noticed a stationary floating orb. It looked like it was set of fire and left to burn yet it seemed to be perfectly fine and stayed afloat staying about 30 50 feet above the field. I wasn't the only one who saw it my whole family saw it. There were no street lamps around that field and no houses either sense it was long put up for sale. Shocked by what we saw nobody really talked to each other the next day. Once we got back to our somewhat normal selves again I looked up recent mysterious reports and sure enough there was another report matching mine exactly. But it wasn't on the same day as I saw it it was the day after. They reported it as starting off as a bright light, illuminating their entire house. They went outside to see what it was - a giant fiery ball was above their house. what they witnessed next seemed like a "men in black" kinda thing - a weird bubble solution (like when you blow a bubble that kinda color) surround the ship and disappeared. sadly i couldn't get my phone out to take a picture, mainly because my dad wasn't in the mood to get probed XD. But regardless, I will remember this in and out of the grave eternally and it will forever be engraved in my memory as a real sighting of a ufo.
6/27/16 Update: Read latest report of black triangle craft over Spring Branch, Texas. (June 2nd) Witness speculates it is military craft. Original story Dallas area resident Emily was out on her back porch with her fiancee when they noticed a triangle, or V-shaped craft overhead. While there were no photos or videos of the event, it follows many documented sightings of triangle sightings in not only Texas, but California and Arizona:
Read the latest witness testimony of a triangle UFO in Texas:
My fiancé, his friend Aaron and I were on the back porch around 3am. It was very quite outside, Aaron randomly said "woah that's a square." My fiancé and I dismissed the statement since we didn't really see what he was talking about, but he repeated the statement again with more excitement and we looked up to see a V-shaped craft slowly gliding across the sky. It went over our heads and we followed it until the craft made a turn.
Have you seen a triangle UFO in Texas recently? Report your sighting.
Got ideas on what this was? Discuss on Facebook. "It's just floating in the middle of the sky!" Bright Light Hovers Over Plano ARea - SEe Video12/14/2014
A man in the Plano area spotted a meteor or fireball coming up from the dark horizon and so he busted out the camera - and good thing he did, because by then the object decided to stop and hover. And precede to hover... before fading off into the distance (or fading out, I suppose). The testimony and video for this UFO sighting were both submitted to MUFON... check out some screenshots, highlighted quotes from the video, and of course the actual video below... watch out for foul language!: There it is, a fireball!- Here's the full written account of the event: was out side on phone on balcony, when i seen a large ball of fire come up from the ground. thought it was a fireworks but no sound, i looked and noticed it was just staying there. Did you see this strange light as well? Report your sighting!
Ethan B witnessed a lot of strange activity in the night sky and kindly reported his experience to Texas UFO Sightings. He witnessed several lights hover, split apart, and then fade away: Sitting in dark backyard at a campfire then looked up in the sky and saw 4 lights in a pyramid formation, then they split apart as soon as I saw them, my friends and I witnessed many others following eachother and reversing directions, then they faded away Flares? Fireworks? Meteors? Chinese lanterns? UFOs? As always, you be the judge! The photo shows rod-like objects, and a similar sight was caught on camera in San Antonio less than a month ago. If you've seen a UFO in Texas recently, report your sighting.
Lights flying in a clear pattern aren't rare when you go over UFO history, but because they indicate a real craft or intelligent control, these reports come in only occasionally on a day-to-day basis. For some reason, we've seen a lot of these reports over the past month, though - in Austin and South Texas. The witness is a veteran flyer and is pretty used to seeing commercial air craft. These were not commercial air craft. Best part is - this wasn't a one-time deal. The lights have showed up in the area multiple times! Here's the full description of what this Flower Mound family has been seeing, kindly submitted to TUS: 8/1..... 12am... While taking my dogs out before going to bed, I was in a pitch-back backyard that backs to an equally pitch-black golf course, I noticed the usual flow of planes on approach to DFW, which is maybe 15 miles south of the northern end of Flower Mound, where my home is located. A set of bright lights, in pyramid shape (broader at the bottom, more narrow at the top) appeared to be moving east->west perpendicular to the aforementioned planes on approach to DFW ......what caught my eye was the bottom->top sequence of the flashing lights, combined with the lack of any discernible engine noise. While I am not a trained pilot, I am a person that flys approx. 48 weeks per year and have done so for more than 25yrs. feel I am pretty familiar with common commercial aircraft and this was like nothing I have ever observed prior.... Aug 8th, around dusk, my family and I were in the pool when I noticed a similar set of lights heading east....I pointed out this sight to my wife and children. Over the next 60 minutes, my family identiified 10 similar shapes in the evening sky. Did you see this, too? Let me know!
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