A brief, but intriguing report of a dark, rectangle-shaped UFO over Garland, Texas has been submitted to TexasUFOs by reader, EHZJ: UFO had a long body with green lights at the front and the back of the craft
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A sighting of mystery triangle lights has been reported in Dallas, just days after a similar sighting was recorded nearby. Read the latest testimony sent to the site, which details orange lights moving in formation, separately of each other: last night on new years around 12:30 to 1:30 in between those time frames I saw three balls of redish orange lights in triangle formation over dairy Rd ( east side of garland) no sound no lights and they hovered in the sky then two branched off staying equally apart coming towards were I was standing but between my house and neighbors house moving very slow the third light stayed behind but disappeared when I lost sight of the two lights I turned back around towards the front of my house and there in the sky that third light by its self then it started moving towards my right side between my house and other neighbors home I ran in the house to awaken my mother when I got back outside which took me I would say a minute running into the house to get my mom and back out the third light was gone I'm forever shocked about what I saw clearly with my two eyes!!!!!!!!
This sighting is very similar to one in the area from days before:
Unlike other recent triangle UFO sightings in Texas, these lights did not appear to be attached to one craft. Could this be a fleet of drones, or top-secret crafts?
A resident of Garland, Texas witnessed some odd colorful lights "dangling" in the sky. When she viewed the UFO through her camera lens, it looked more like a solid craft or light. Michelle submitted a testimony and photo to TexasUFOs: At first it appeared to be a small cluster of lights, like a helicopter's, but with a long strand of yellowish lights, like old clear x-mas lights, probably about 20-30 feet long dangling below it. I live on the NW side of Lake Ray Hubbard about 1-2 miles from the bridges of Rowlett Rd. and George Bush. It seemed to hang there 3-4 minutes. I grabbed my camera and zoomed in to get a picture. In my screen and on the first picture, it looked like the moon, no other way to describe it, but the moon was nowhere in sight. In the 2nd picture, There were blue, white, and yellowish lights, no dangling strand, even though I could see it with my eyes, and in the picture there appears to be a 30 degree triangle that looked like a thin white neon light tube, just the top two sides of a triangle coming from the outer edges of the other lights and coming to a point above the center. There was no noise from a plane or helicopter. After about 5 minutes, it came toward my house and passed over mine and my neighbor's, but I was unable to get my camera refocused to get a closer picture. It was lower than any plane and again, no noise. It headed NW toward 635. I have enclosed the video and still picture.
I'll try to track down the video the witness mentioned in their report, but until then, you can help solve this sighting by reporting your UFO sightings in Texas. Did you see these strange lights as well?
Two reports of UFOs or drones hovering and surveying or spying on Texans in May have surfaced on the Internet. The first sighting occurred in Houston on the 21st of this month, with the witness posting a photo of a disc behind them hovering to Snapchat and then to MUFON: I was coming back from my cousins baby shower in Austin. And on the freeway after a storm i was texting somebody and when i saw the disc like object i saved it and drew around it to show my friends. I felt very worried like if something was watching me. I thought it was the light but there was no light. I never really saw it until i took the picture.
The second sighting was shared with TexasUFOs via a comment on the site, with the witness contacting the police about it. Unfortunately the witness was not taken seriously by law enforcement:
On Sunday. May 29th at 525 am viewed a huge circular drone hovering 1000 feet at the corner of somerset drive garland Texas through the kitchen window for a period of 60 seconds. It was surveying us for unknown reasons than proceeded to front bay window for 30 seconds before flying off. The police did not seem to care. Asked me if i had been drinking? Very offensive!
Drones are a new problem in society and considering how quick the technology is advancing, it's worthwhile for congress and law enforcement to take pause and consider how to deal with them.
If these were not drones, these sightings are all the more alarming. If you have seen a UFO like this in Texas recently, and also have felt like you were being watched, please share your experience.
Last Month, many Texans from all over the state reported seeing strange "moving stars." It looks like the phenomenon is happening again, with several reports submitted directly to Texas UFO Sightings and to its Facebook page. Essentially, witnesses are seeing a group of white orbs - numbering over 20 - seemingly moving in a V-shaped formation. Some witnesses saw other blue and yellow lights interacting. Some witnesses also acknowledged that the UFOs looked somewhat like birds. Here's a recap of these reports - Garland on April 2nd (Sarah posted this to the Facebook page): This happened last night over Garland, Tx. It was a long strand of "moving stars". They took almost a bird formation and then clustered together and faded away.
Arlington on April 2nd:
More than 20 white orbs of different sizes. Speeding from the north to south. A few north to southeast. Two from northwest to east. One larger yellow orb from north to south met by bluish tinged orb. Blue orb stationary. The yellow orb changed directions and headed east. Location in Arlington between Fielder road and Green oaks. Garland on April 2nd: There were about 20 to25in single formation following behind one another moving from north to southeast with 3or 4 bigger and brighter ones around the outside of the formation also 4or5 smaller pulsating red orbs that seemed farther away but hover watching over all of them They moved south southeast and formed a semicircle around a very bright larger white orb.no sound whatsoever and this lasted about 5 to 10 mins.and they disappeared into the southeastern sky.My phone could not capture the orbs because of the city and street lights this was 8:30pm to8:50.my roomate and a neighbor witnessed this event New Braunfels on April 2nd: After a friend comes by telling us to look outside. We saw what looked like hundreds of bright dots traveling like birds do in a clustered v shaped. There was even a few trailing the pack following slower. I don't exaggerate the amount. It lasted several minutes. Video didn't show up I tried two cameras and nothing.
Dickinson on April 6th (David also posted this to the Facebook page):
No sound, no flickering. Just steady white lights looked like stars. Did you see these lights as well? Can you help crack the case? Report your sighting! Got thoughts on what these lights could be? Birds? Chinese lanterns? Aliens? Share them in the comments or with others interested in UFOs on the Facebook page! |
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