A report of a bright, round saucer-shaped craft silently hovering over Georgetown, Texas was submitted to the site by Luisa: The lights were so bright I can only guess the shape.
Flying saucers have been reported as far back as the late 1940s in Roswell, New Mexico, to modern times. Do you think this latest flying saucer sighting should join other great sightings? As always, you be the judge! Did you see this UFO as well? Report your sighting!
A Texas resident witnessed a frightening, and awe-inspiring rectangle or square-shaped craft hover low over the treetops and seeming to scan the area with a light. Fortunately, the witness, who would like to be known as ShockNAwe, shared the following testimony with TexasUFOs: "Dark but lit up" Rectangle UFO...
Believe it or not, sightings of rectangle UFOs are some of the more interesting and well-documented types of UFOs that are seen. Do you think this latest sighting in Texas could be related to other rectangle UFO cases, like in October 2017?
Could this be an advanced military or alien craft, a mis-idenitification of a man-made aircraft, or could even a hoax? Share your opinions on this UFO sighting and more here in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
And remember to check back daily for recent UFO and alien sightings and news! "It was massive, that's what I can't get over" - Large Gray Craft Seen Over Georgetown, Texas3/20/2017
March 20th, 2017 Update: An additional witness has also commented about a similar sighting in the same location several nights later. I am still trying to get more info. In the meantime, the witness to this event has followed up with more detail about this UFO sighting, including a drawing of the UFO:
"It was big, which I tried to explain, it was drab to look at if it weren't so damn big. It didn't dance. No one shot me with a ray gun, no blinking lights, no aliens to talk to, no details to the object. It didn't look cool like on Star Wars. It didn't move around. And then left when I glanced away. ,,, (the UFO was) very big off-sized square object either dark gray or charcoal only visible for a few seconds"
Original story 3/2/2017:
TexasUFOs received a report from a reader who witnessed a "massive," "chalky black" craft that seemed to disappear as quickly as it appeared. Read the detailed testimony sent to the site by witness "Old Pirate," who felt a very dark feeling during the event and even called 911 after it was over: Distance: About 5,000 feet [altitude].
Based on the size and description of this craft, there may have been other witnesses. Did you also see this UFO? Report your sighting.
A Georgetown resident was star gazing in the backyard when they saw a planet... or satellite... or... UFO? Luckily, they submitted a report to MUFON about it. The UFO appeared to emit lights and hover. However, it also traveled - just very slowly. Here's a long-exposure photograph of the event: So...last night around 11:30pm, I was doing some suburban stargazing in my backyard when I noticed an abnormally bright object which I thought to be a planet at the time. I looked with binoculars and noticed that it was emitting lights. I proceeded to take some photos with my camera and tripod. Now, I know that streaking of lights can happen when you move during a long exposure, but this is sort of odd. I've simply never seen anything in the sky that gave off so many colors of lights. I eventually got S**** and A******* to take a look at it maybe 10 to 15 minutes later, and it had moved...but barely (maybe a fist length with arm extended). So, after a teeny bit of research, I found out that satellites don't usually have lights other than the international space station (not visible from the ground) plus there weren't any abnormally bright satellites in the area at the time anyways. So, it must have been an aircraft, but moving really really slow and giving off literally rainbows of flashing lights. Odd. Also strange that the streaking of lights does not seem to affect the stars in some of the photos. Did you this UFO as well? Report your sighting!
Texans checking out the Super Moon last night - at around 9 PM - were in for a whole lot more than they could have imagined! Texas UFO Sightings, the American Meteor Society, Facebook, local news outlets, MUFON, you name it, received a slew of reports of a silent blue fireball that sped through the night sky and then split into two. Many were stunned by its size, and even thought it was a plane about to crash land nearby. Others saw drones following it. Others say this was no fireball at all, but something else entirely due to its peculiar behavior. Some even compared it to a very recent sighting of an orb changing colors and zig zagging about the night sky in Dallas. As usual, you be the judge! Fortunately a Dallas resident was able to get the meteor on camera and he uploaded it to YouTube. Just goes to show, how rare great videos and photos of UFOs (or meteors, or whatever) are when you don't anticipate seeing them. This is the only footage I can find so far: A photo was also taken in Denton, and submitted to MUFON: Check out some of the many, many UFO/meteor reports to hit the web and the Texas UFO Sightings inbox: There was another sighting in Taylor tonight (7-12-14). A bluish light rising from the southeast and then travelling northwest. The light split into two before disappearing. This was witnessed by three law enforcement officials who wish to remain anonymous. Do you have anything to add to this exciting story? Pictures, videos, more details? Please share! And of course, you're welcome to join the conversation on the Texas UFO Sightings Facebook page.
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