A bizarre "rectangle" UFO was seen flying faster than a plane over Frisco, Texas. "Papa T" writes: Top looked white bottom was copper with 3 rectangular lights
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A really interesting description of a very large, triangle - or possibly even rectangular - UFO over Texas has been submitted to TexasUFOs by an anonymous witness: Black Triangle/V-shaped reported on Rural Rd in Somerset Texas...
Triangle UFOs are common Texas and other parts of the US. Compare this recent testimony to other recent triangle UFOs (the one pictured below was seen in January 2018 in South Texas). As always, let me know what you think of this sighting and others in the comments, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
"I felt really strange when I saw it, elated" - Witness in Nacogdoches Reports Strange Encounter12/26/2018
An East Texas resident witnessed something very strange in the night sky and submitted testimony and two digital renderings of the event to MUFON (case 97183): Top quadrant of moon, maybe 2000 feet from the moon. a black chain of rectangles stretched across the moon Very weird!
Have you ever seen anything like this before? Report your sighting and help solve this mystery. Think you know what this witness saw? Share your guesses in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram!
Should rectangle UFOs be studied just like flying saucers, triangles, and other more stereotypical extraterrestrial craft? Rectangle UFOs do appear to be increasing in Texas, so UFOJane discusses this phenomenon in the latest YouTube video:
TexasUFOs has received two reports of a rectangular UFO over Texas in two nearby cities on the same day. TexasUFOs already reported on the San Antonio case and now is reporting on a similar sighting in New Braunfels. Will writes: This was the last day for early voting this year for the midterm election, Friday November 2nd. I left work from Seguin, TX at 4pm and I took a detour through McQueeney on my way to Grace Church off of 725 to vote before I headed home. There are trees dispersed all along 725, but at least half of the drive towards I-35 gives a clear view of the sky. It was probably around Lake Creek drive that I first noticed it. A big, low and slow moving grayish rectangular prism shaped object in the sky, up ahead in the distance moving from South to North. Probably about 4:15pm. It looked strange to me at first glance, but I figured I must have seen it wrong, as this must be a banner being pulled by an airplane, maybe letting people know it was the last day for early voting, and I just didn’t see the airplane. I kept looking, and the cars ahead must have seen it as well, because it seemed like something was causing a slowdown. I didn’t see any deer or an accident, only this object. The more I looked at it, the more large and distant it looked. It looked like I was seeing it through a haze, like when you see oil rigs out in the Gulf of Mexico. I never saw an airplane, and it really looked more 3 dimensional to me, so I never could definitively convince myself that it was a banner being pulled by an airplane. It also seemed too low in altitude. It was probably no more than 1000 feet off the ground, and within 5 miles from where I was, maybe closer. Sure at that distance I probably couldn’t read a banner, but I’m not even sure I would see any of it. The proportions just didn’t seem right. It was too bulky.
Compare these recent sightings to one from October in Mesquite:
Although the witness in this most recent report out of New Braunfels explained how they could have been looking up at a plane carrying a banner, they weren't convinced of that and also believed other people on the road were observing the UFO due to a traffic slowdown.
What do you think of these recent rectangle UFO sightings? Share your thoughts on these sightings and more in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. If you've seen a rectangle UFO in Texas, help solve this mystery and report your sighting! |
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