A flying saucer was seen during a storm north of Dallas, according to a recent NUFORC report (case 149233). Although no photos or videos were taken of this particular incident, this is certainly not the first time a "saucer" or "disc" has been reported in Texas. White glowing saucer like UFO moving in and out of wall cloud over Van Alstyne TX
Someone from Van Alstyne, TX (outside Dallas) reported an April 19th sighting of a triangle-shaped craft above his home in Van Alstyne, TX. From the ground, it looked like moving lights, but with binoculars, he was able to see much more detail. His friend - a member of the military - also witnessed the UFO and estimated it to be 20,000 feet up in the air. Here's the full report: I had just moved my pickup to the north side of my drive to allow room for my son to park when he arrived. I have a pair of 10 x 50 Binoculars I keep in the truck , and had had them out earlier in the day. When I moved the truck I placed the caps back on them (binoculars) and put them back into their case , and laid them in the passenger seat. Once the truck was parked I exited the truck walking behind it to avoid a muddy spot located at the front of the truck. After coming around the rear of the truck I was facing east , and noticed two very bright lights. At first glace I thought they were stars but quickly noticed they were moving from southeast to northwest. It proceeded to go behind some low clouds and I lost sight of it. I grabbed the 10x50 binoculars I had just put away and when the craft exited the clouds again I was able to get a good look at it. It had a strange light configuration with three unevenly placed lights on the leading end and two small dim lights located at what I believe was the tip of the wing ( or the two rear points of the triangle shape) no tail light was visable at anytime. Located near center mass was a large ruby colered light that did not flash or blink at anytime. I was able to get a freind to come out and see the object before it slipped behind the cloud bank and was out of sight. Their was absolutely no noise coming from the craft. My freind is former military , and estimated it to be not more than 20,000 feet up. Also their was a small prop driven plane passing to the northeast at the time of the sighting. I could hear its engines , but they werent that loud due to the distance it was from my location. There were a few other sightings in the Dallas area an hour before this sighting. Continued...
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