Remember those famous blinking lights in Texas City that made the national news, and all the recent reports of falling space objects? Well, we've got a familiar-feeling report coming from MUFON. A woman witnessed a light green light shoot down from the sky and even tried to investigate the crash landing, to no avail. Here's the full report for the April 25th sighting: I went outside on my back porch to smoke a cigg. I was talking with my husband and then right over my neighbors house I seen a small green light fall from the sky straight down. I waited for about 1 min.And then I turned to my husband and told him I just seen a small green light fall from the sky. He looked at me like I was crazy. I know what I saw. My husband and I got into our car and drove down the road to see if we could see anything. And of course there was nothing to be seen. The light I seen was light green it glowed kinda looked like a flare. It was falling downward. I never saw it again after driving back home.
10/9/2012 01:03:29 pm
whoa i seen the same thing except the green light i seen was shooting down fast the died out for a second then appeared again but slower as if it went into a hyper slowing down stage... i was like WTF everyone in the car seen it ,my mother ,two nephews and i.. my mom said it was the work of god but i was like -so they are here - whoazerz.
kim macklin
10/3/2014 03:35:03 pm
My husband and I just saw a fluorescent green light shoot down from the sky and it looked as if it broke apart before hitting the ground. This was approx. 10:15 pm south of alvarado texas. Crazy!!!!
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