Three UFO reports out of Amarillo, Texas, spanning 1988 to 1990, have recently been submitted to MUFON (cases 121379, 121340, and 121313). I presume they were all submitted by the same witness or by a MUFON field investigator documenting a single witness' encounters. (Another MUFON report, case 94643, submitted back in 2018, is also referenced in the testimony as something to compare to...) I am not going to share each of these sightings, but just one. Note that each report has drawings and a detailed testimony to go with it. Also note that this testimony references another similar MUFON report (case 94643), which was submitted in 2018, and I think that was a different witness entirely (but I have no way to verify): While residing in the northeast quadrant of Amarillo, TX, some time before the resumption of the 1990-1991 school-year for my kids, my son complained to me that the "space guys" were STILL bothering him during the night, and that during the previous night to his retelling of the event, he claimed that he had awakened suddenly during the early morning, to observe 3 Grey-variant entities in the process of exiting his bedroom one-at-a-time, by "hover-gliding" along and somehow "passing through" the walls and closed window of the bedroom, headed westward. He reported deciding to get out of bed and look out of the window in the direction the small humanoids had departed, while becoming aware that he had experienced yet another of the troublesome, nighttime nosebleeds. Reported looking out of the west-facing window, and although did not observe any more entity activity, he reported observing a landed UFO within the confines of the residence's large, rear yard, at an approx. 25'-35' range into the yard. He reported that the object appeared as flat/dull silvery-gray in overall coloration, had a "bell"-shape with a raised, centrally-located dome/copula on top, a short, flat-bottom, centrally-located "cylinder"-like feature extending a short ways below/beyond the main body's bottom edge, had roundish portholes/windows around the main body's circumference, had tripod-like landing struts and crew access ramp/staircase lowered and in place for use, and with fairly faint/dim light emanating out/through the ramp/staircase and porthole/window areas. Object was estimated as approx. 30'-40' diameter, stood approx. 20'-30' from the ground, with the dome/copula area approx. 5' tall and approx. 8' diameter. After observing the scene for a bit, and making sure the humanoids weren't still skulking around, reported having an "impulse" to just return to bed and sleep, which he did without any thought/action towards cleaning up any of the "nosebleed mess", until awakening again in the later morning. Incident was somewhat similar to part of report content within MUFON case #94643. Sketch/map available. When a witness claims to have seen multiple UFOs, does that make you more or less likely to believe their "stories?" I think this is an interesting phenomenon within the phenomenon... sometimes those with the most fascinating encounters, or with repeated encounters, get marginalized in this field. As if their experiences are "too good to be true." But if we are considering ETs to be the origin of some UFOs, then why would we expect any less from witnesses?
Another thing to consider is... why do some people see UFOs more often than others? Do UFO witnesses simply look up at the sky more often; are they more aware of their surroundings than others? Or could it even be that some people are capable of perceiving UFOs, while others aren't?!? Another possibility is that UFOs may target certain individuals. It could be a combo. Let me know your thoughts on this sighting and more in the comments below, or on Twitter or Facebook. Have you ever had a UFO experience like this before? Are you one of those witnesses who sees UFOs frequently? Let me know!
Credit to the UFOB twitter account for this great case: According to an April 9th, 1950 news report in the Amarillo Sunday Times (I was not able to find the original issue, but there are a few references online), 12 and 9-year-old cousins, David and Charles Lightfoot, were out fishing when they first spotted a "balloon" in the sky - except upon closer inspection, it wasn't a balloon at all... The two young boys could see the saucer in detail, and shared their encounter with reporters; David described the craft as "as big or round as a big automobile tire" and explained how "the bottom was still, but the top was spinning around real fast, and on the top of the part that was spinning around there was a little peak that had a kind of spindle thing sticking out of it. The spindle was still, too. It must have been connected to the bottom part." After watching the saucer land, David ran up to it, and managed to touch it, before it took off "like it was on a string" and disappeared into the sky. The boy described the UFO as feeling "slick" and "hot," like a "snake would." His father said the boy had an inexplicable sunburn with welts upon returning home. This is similar to another case in Texas - the Cash Landrum incident, in which a witness approached a UFO and was burned as a result. Now, the flying saucer sightings are absolutely fascinating to me. Although they are reported today (see the witness drawings below), there appears to have been a wave of them in Texas in the 50s (see video about those cases below Some of the details these Texas boys describe about the flying saucer they saw remind me of the details of a witness to a saucer in Germany around the same time! ), and so it is hard not to imagine these cases to be connected. Let me know what you think in the comments, or on Twitter or Facebook.
Darlene Ruiz sent in the following photo and testimony to Texas UFO Sightings, documenting multiple triangle UFOs over Amarillo, Texas, which have apparently been appearing throughout the past year. I'm trying to get more information and evidence for these UFOs, but in the meantime check it out: [some punctuation added for readability]
A large triangle UFO hovering over Pantex Plant, a "nuclear weapons assembly and disassembly facility" in Amarillo, Texas, was seen by many back in 2005, according to testimony only recently submitted to MUFON (case 89974): Triangle ufo, 4 lights, 3 Yellow, 1 red, next to nuclear assemble/disassemble plant.
Triangle UFO sightings are always intriguing due to their continued presence despite no media attention. And UFO sightings near US nuclear weapons are intriguing as well, considering the implication if they are not known US craft! Strangely enough, there are many documented cases of UFOs showing up near nuclear power plants and/or weapons sites.
What do you think of this story and others like it? Share your theories in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Do you know more about this case in 2005? Help crack this case and report what you know!
A strange unidentified flying object passed over Amarillo, Texas, and fortunately the witness shared a description and a photo with MUFON (case 81117). The witness said that the UFO glowed and at first looked like a plastic bag, however the photo simply shows two bright lines (perhaps the edges of the craft?): Outside in backyard still dark, saw a low flying UFO directly overhead. It was silent, at first I though it was a plastic bag moving quickly. It glowed
Do you live in North Texas? Have you seen anything like this? Could this have been a balloon or is it as mysterious as it sounds? What do you think?
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