10/10/16 Update: Locals have commented on this story. Apparently this was a weather balloon, and a meteorologist even gave the city a heads up. An oval, shiny translucent object was spotted over Amarillo. Check out the testimony submitted to NUFORC: Round, Shiny, almost transparent, still object in the sky, facing West
Do you live in Amarillo? Did you see this UFO as well? Did you get photos or video? Report your sighting!
A few kids have captured footage of what appears to be a UFO hovering over their home. In the video, you can see a very bright white light sitting still and very high in the daytime sky. Could this be a balloon, hot air balloon even (as one suggests in the comments), the ISS, a drone, or unexpected star? Or an alien satellite or spaceship? As always, you be the judge... check out the video made by two boys, but watch out for foul language!
A local meteorologist in Hereford noticed an anomaly on the weather radar for Lubbock, Texas - specifically a large hovering object that doesn't act like a cloud or other typical weather pattern. The witness attached photos and a video (scroll down) of the radar to a MUFON report: Anomaly measured on Lubbock, Texas weather radar (KLBB) at approx 7K feet. Is stationary through several radar cycles. The same object does not appear when viewed from the Amarillo, Texas radar (KAMA) where the beam intersects the same area at approx 4K feet. Meaning, that the Amarillo radar beam passed "under" the object that reflected a signal to the Lubbock radar when sensed the object at 7K feet. I'm a meteorologists and have been using radar remote sensing for 20-years, this object isn't "weather" such as a cloud as it does not move in a lateral direction through several radar cycles.
Do you live in the Alvin or Houston area? Did you see anything strange in the sky around this time that could help explain this sighting? Report your sighting.
Do you understand weather radar? Know what this could be? Chime away in the comments or on the Facebook page.
With the recent and amazing news stories about fighter jets causing sonic booms to rattle South Carolina, New Jersey and New York, it might be a good time to reach out to Texans again about what they're hearing in the sky these days.
A few years ago, people all over Texas reported hearing a haunting - and even irritating - humming and/or rumbling sound. Half a year later, strange sounds captivated Texans again, but this time the sounds were higher pitched - more of a trumpeting. People have been reporting strange things they've heard in the sky ever since, though. Read the blog comments below, which detail both booming and humming sounds: I live in temple and have been hearing it for a couple of years. I last for a couple of minutes and stops as quick as it starts. It has to be under ground. They say that there are underground tunnels all over the US, that use supersonic trains. There are even articles of nuclear powered tunnel diggers all rhe way back to the late 50'S. I have thought about it a lot, and cannot imagine what else it could be.
Also, it was just this past month when loud booms and even a light quake was reported in the Corpus Christi area. Was this caused by fighter jets as well?
There have been a few other YouTube videos posted, too, with strange siren-like sounds and deep vibrations. You can see these videos and the news report from Corpus below: Have you heard any mysterious sounds in Texas? Share your story, or your theories!, on the Facebook page.
Story updated September 9th (updates in red): Texas UFO Sightings continues to receive statewide reports of a 'wandering" or "wobbling" star that does disappearing acts, changes colors, and even zig zags about! Many people (including a local ufologist who I follow) speculate that this is just a bright planet - perhaps Venus - however most eyewitnesses describe the light behaving in a way that a planet (or satellite, for that matter) should not. Could this be a unique optical illusion that is happening due to unique space conditions?, a super nova?, the ISS, or something even stranger, like an ET space craft or satellite? Although Venus is a bright planet this month, there is nothing on the astronomical/star gazing calendar that would lead you to expect to see anything new in the sky on September 5th, the day these sightings started. If you have theories, join the conversation. If you saw this "star" as well and don't think this is a "star" at all, report your sighting! Texas UFO Sightings received several reports last night and this morning - from different parts of the state. Everyone saw a very large glowing object very high up in the sky, as if it was a star or satellite. However, it did things that a star or satellite should not do - like wobble, disappear and reappear, and even change colors. The photos the witnesses snapped show a bright star-like object, but each witness saw different things: Granbury: I saw the same object over Granbury TX near Stephenville. The object has appeared for the last 3 nights over the lake. Here is a picture off my camera phone.
Lake Lewisville (September 2nd):
I check this site weekly and I wasn't quite sure if this was a planet or some type of Ufo. Now that I have seen others post similar pictures in the dallas area I thought I would share. I came home from work just before dawn and I noticed an abnormally bright light in the sky. I checked an app called the night sky to see if it was planet and it showed that Mars and Venus were in the same area. I was looking south towards Dallas from the lake. The object was the brightest light in the sky which had no color to it like most planets when you view them at night. I decided to get the binoculars out and noticed the light had an odd shape to it. I got my Samsung S6 which has a 8x zoom and great clarity. I began taking pictures and zoomed in further than what I could see with the binoculars. I'm not sure if this was actually a planet or not so I thought I would share. Has anyone else seen this? Thanks you
Unknown city in Texas:
Bright light in the sky it stood out. And watched it for over a hour. Only once did it move enough for to notice. I saw it move forward then backwards in one motion. It would also dim down on the brightness to where it was faint then real bright again. I'm watching it again as I write this. I guess it got smarter about making a visible ruckus. Almost forgot also saw tonight a star looking object moving around the bright object in the sky. I even called my family to see it, satellites I don't know . I'm still unsure about what exactly I'm seeing when i look through my binoculars. I put it on a tripod so it won't move. Anyways i think i see faintly parts of the craft. There's definitely three orb like lights in the center that dim and go bright. And seems to look like i guess wings like a plane on the side and a tail. Again idk if my eyes are playing tricks on me but if they are they been doing it for the past two days. And I'm 27 so still in the prime of my eyes
A friend and I noticed a very bright sphere shaped object hovering stationary in the sky early this morning in the Houston, TX heights area (9-5-15, 6am). No sounds coming from the object, it was silent and very still but noticed many different moving/hovering lights around it. Faint red lights surrounding it, and almost a faint green misty looking trail behind it. We saw the brightly illuminated objects around it moving at an about average speed towards and away from the bright white sphere shaped object. I will not specify on any belief/non-belief on such things, it seems as though most invest too much emotion in that sort of thing... Just want to clearly state facts and provide original camera phone photos we snapped. Very interesting though...
East of Amarillo, along i-40:
So I don't know what this was. I saw it for about 2 hours when it was dark and I was heading from Amarillo to Oklahoma. I figured it was a satellite, and it may have been. The strangest thing was that at one point I watched it literally fade out completely until it was a light blue dot, then gone for about 30 seconds. It then faded back in the exact same way. Weather balloon? It was too high for any kind of tower, and it wasn't an airplane.
I saw a bright object in the East rising the same rate as the stars. It might be a Large Balloon but I'm wondering if it is a Supernova. Perhaps it is and perhaps not.
Pearland (at Woody RD & FM 518):
Like I sat and watched what appears to be a orb whitish in color ,swaying back and forth from time to time then it would just sit still for while and act like a rising star. I'm watching it like right now as I type, when I first came out side for smoke it was yellowish and appeared to be a plane before whatever it is started acting like a star but I'm like dude I see you moving . I'm guessing it could be a drone of some sort because this isn't the first time I've seen this wondering star doing whatever it is doing .I watched for at least 45 minutes
Check out some of the most recent comments and reports about this strange "star":
We noticed a large white glowing light floating straight up into the sky. It seemed to sit still for about 15 seconds, then it slowly drifted to the right , then changed to a bright red color. The color was very intense. This object did not make any noise. It glowed red about 10 seconds then turned white again. It started to slowly lower down but we lost sight of it. It startled us because it seemed to just appear, and we have not seen it before. I read that three other people in Texas could've possibly witnessed the same type of lights!
Did you see this "star" as well? Please report your sighting so we can solve this mystery!
It's very odd to see such a frenzy of reports like this -- but could we simply be looking at the ISS or a satellite? Or is this something much more unusual, like a supernova (as one witness suggested) or even an ET spacecraft? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page. |
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