January 18th, 2018 Update: Date for sighting updated from 2015 to 2019 (correction) TexasUFOs has just received a report of a strange, solid blue light over Texas. Mike writes: I witnessed a blue light traveling slowly at a substantial elevation, but low enough to know what I was looking at. The single medium to dark blue light was continuous, solid and not blinking. There were no other associated lights that could be seen. My eyes were affixed on the light as a dimly lit very shady/spooky helicopter flew over my head traveling at a direction from Bob Smith Road at Alexander in Baytown, toward the direction of Highlands. I did not hear nor see the helicopter until it was directly overhead at what seemed to be around 800 to 1000 foot elevation. The helicopter was very dark with very subtle lighting. I watched as the blue light disappeared before my eyes at just about the time I noticed the helicopter. The light seemed to be following the same path as the helicopter, only at a much higher elevation. If people would just simply look up, they would witness strange lights in the sky. Not the first I'd seen and won't be the last.
What I find is interesting is one of the other more interesting reports TexasUFOs covered of a blue light over Texas was in Houston, in 2015. And there are many more cases like this out there.
A video and written testimony (separate reports) detailing explosive or flashing lights in the night sky over Baaytown as surfaced. So far, there have been no official media reports of a fire or explosion on this date, and it doesn't appeared there were any scheduled fireworks shows either:
A written report of this appears to have also been sent to NUFORC, either by the same witness or a separate one:
Huge cloud of smoke but with a bright flashing light changing from pink to purple at each flash. Appeared to be from a very large fire.
Another report of a large triangle craft hovering, this time the "size of a football stadium," and over Baytown, Texas, has been reported to NUFORC. There has been a recent wave of triangle UFO sightings in not just Texas, but the world. Some sightings have been debunked as lens flares, or even a star constellation, but other triangle crafts were seen silently moving over cities and neighborhoods (like in the Abilene area and Austin). Read the witness testimony below and judge for yourself: Driving over Fred Hartman Bridge, going towards 225 Pasadena.. Seen 3 bright white lights on each corner of the craft.. Stationary right above clouds as big as half of our football stadium.
What do you think? Are people seeing stars? Or are there real triangle crafts flying overhead right now?
A Houston, Texan sent a report to Texas UFO Sightings that sounds darned thrilling! Six bright orange orbs showed up in the morning sky, and sped through the sky, one veering away from the others and zooming out of sight. Judy, who saw the UFOs while walking her dog, wishes she had a camera, because no one in her family believes her. It always saddens me when someone questions their own sanity because they saw a UFO. And people wonder how this very real phenomenon has been kept under wraps: maybe because of the totally unfair stigma! There could be a reasonable explanation for what Judy saw, but typical air crafts (planes, helicopters) can be ruled out, and so can meteors and satellites. This could be a case of wedding lanterns taken up by the wind, or flares. However, so far we can only really be sure that these are UFOs. Here's her full report: I was walking my dog about 3 am in the morning. As I usually do I look up in the sky. Out of nowhere 6 orange round balls came across the sky in front of me all following each other the first went straight up out of site the other ers followed the same way they were going so fast I thought I might be seeing things. The reason I did not report until now is none of your shows i have seen had this description until the other nights show A guy gave the exact descrpition. They were as orange as the sun. I know it was in march eighter the first or second week. Did anyone else see these. I discovered a new tweet about the Houston area/Louisiana fireball sighting. @Bigg_Swayy tweets that it was "like 8 objects flew by slowly flashing with a trail of light behind each one of them, I think it was a meteor shower." But is it so simple? Even experts on this topic believe this wasn't your typical fireball, but a Chinese rocket re-entering orbit and fragmenting all over the sky for all to see. To add to the weirdness, there were lots of strange UFO reports that preceded this event - even of meteor-like objects. Also of interest is that there have been two reports out of Texas recently of shooting stars that stopped and changed directions. The only hard evidence I have of this "fireball" is the video that a boat captain, who said he watched the event for a total of 3 to 4 minutes, was able to capture. See the screenshot below. Does this look like a meteor to you? And is it possible to watch a meteor for such a long duration of time? Meteor showers can last for several minutes, and even days, but I'm not sure how long a single fireball can be observed. Latest-UFO-Sightings.net chimed in with their opinion: No! Here's the latest news report about the "meteor": Along with a comment on the video, made by the YouTuber who uploaded it: this light was in the sky for 3-4 minutes. this completely rules out the possibility of it being a meteor or any sort of space junk. What do you think it was?
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