Here's an oldie, but a goodie. According to a MUFON report (case 83420) I just stumbled upon, a "huge metallic cigar-shaped UFO" was seen over a neighborhood in Texas by two friends who were playing outside: It was 1975 I was 12 years old, I looked up and saw a huge metallic cigar shaped UFO This report is a hard one to verify, but if you lived in Texas in the 70s and also saw strange things in the sky, then let me know.
Do you have any thoughts about cigar UFOs or 1970s sightings and encounters in general? Let me know here in the comments, or on Facebook or Twitter.
A thorough account of a large cone-shaped object was submitted to NUFORC (case 153286) by the witness, who claimed to observe the object for about 45 minutes along with their neighbor, in Cedar Hill, Texas, which is located about 20 or so minutes south of Dallas. I saw a large moving, shifting object covered in lights at a distance in the sky.
A pretty interesting video of a bright light hovering and traveling in a stormy nighttime sky has surfaced: Drone? Helicopter? RC plane? Aliens? Share your thoughts in the comments or on the Facebook page.
A YouTube video featuring two bright white lights, with one changing locations, and both eventually disappearing has hit the web. In the video, you can hear the witness discussing the pair of UFOs with his friends, and although he jumps to the hasty conclusion that he's viewing an alien, you can't blame him for being amazed. At first glance, the video appears to just show two twinkling stars, but if you watch closely, you'll see the light at the top slowly move and then they do appear to disappear together at the end of the video. (This diappearing act is also mentioned by the witness in a comment on the YouTube video: "When they lit up dey disappeared." Here's the video and a few quotes from it (be wary of strong language): Y'all see that sh** in the sky man? God damn what is that? Have you seen any stars that don't really behave like stars in the Dallas area or Texas recently? Tell your tale.
Someone has reported a UFO sighting into MUFON from May 18th. A Cedar Hill resident (that's near Dallas) spotted a blimp-like UFO hovering over a communications tower. Apparently the sighting was not only perplexing, but unnerving. Apparently there's a photo of the UFO but the eyewitness failed to upload it along with their report. Here's the full MUFON report: i was on a bus on my way to a truck driving school in cedar hills from waxahachice tx. Well i thought it was strange there was a blinp floating over the tower at that hieght im always looking up to watch planes fly dont know know why but as we became straight across from it and i got aa good look it i realized the shape and none movement of it wasnt a blimp , these vessels were long they looked like they were aboutat least 1/2 mile in length and they just sat there after staring at them i remembered i had my camera so i took a picture and it didnt turn out that great but you can see the out line. I showed 3 other guys the vessel just floating there no up or down movement it sat steady. then they looked like they just melted into the sky they just dissapered. I'm not crazy i hope.i have had 3 other experiences around buna texas and never said nothing before because i never had any proof to back it up. thank you for your time you have yet another sighting that we can't was exciting yet scarey ya know.
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