"I witnessed a black shaped Tic Tac pulling itself out of this 1 cloud" - San Antonio Sighting4/22/2022
Ever since the Pentagon released the famed "Tic Tac" UFO video, people have reported seeing similarly strange things in the Texas sky. I believe they saw these "things" before - but just called them cigar or rod or disc-shaped. Regardless, check out the latest testimony, submitted to MUFON (case 121800): Witnessed a ( TIC TAC) leaving a cloud..... 2 F-16's going in same direction. What do you think of this case? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
In the meantime, compare this sighting to others like it:
According to a recent, very detailed NUFORC report (case S166914), a "diamond"-shaped object was seen floating "motionless" over San Antonio. The witness was riding on their motorcycle during the sighting, so there were unable to get a photo or video. Thankfully, they shared testimony: Trapezoid/Diamond/Kite shaped mirrored object hanging perfectly still in the sunny cloudless sky
A UFO has been filmed flying in the daytime sky over Texas, according to a recent MUFON report (case 119890). The video was then re-uploaded to YouTube (and enhanced); you can watch that below: " Saw this in my backyard... Is it possible that the witness was misidentifying a plane? Ever since news broke that Navy pilots reported seeing "Tic Tac UFOs" in 2017, everyday citizens have reported seeing similarly strange things in the sky: While this most recent witness didn't use the term "Tic Tac," that is very much what the video shows! So, could it be that "Tic Tac" UFOs are increasing in numbers, and what used to be secretly seen by the military is now being seen by the public?
Or could it be that people are just increasingly looking up to the sky and seeing "things" that were always there? Or perhaps just misidentifying everyday objects like planes, drones, and balloons? Let me know your thoughts on this recent Texas UFO sighting, as well as other "Tic Tac" or "cigar" UFO sightings in the comments below, or on Facebook or Twitter.
Ever since the New York Times "leaked" a top-secret video showing a "Tic Tac" UFO, more and more people have reported similarly strange-shaped and strange-behaving UFOs. The original "Tic Tac" UFO that made headlines was actually seen in 2004, but the term "Tic Tac" was not widely used to describe UFOs until the aforementioned NYT article, which was published in 2017.... SOOOO, which came first?!? The NYT article or the Tic Tac UFO? Regardless, there does seem to be a recent increase in cigar, rod, or "Tic Tac" UFO sightings. In the latest example, a video of a stationary elongated object (seemingly) hovering in the daytime sky over San Antonio, Texas has been submitted to MUFON (case 118900). The witness allegedly saw this "while driving on De Zavala Rd:" What do you think of this recent UFO sighting over Texas? Do you think it shows a "Tic Tac" UFO or something much easier to explain (like blimp)? Is it related to other similar cigar, rod, and "Tic Tac" UFO sightings that have been covered on this site? (see example:) 9/25/21 Update: As of today, this case is still unsolved! I have added an embedded video of the witness' video testimony here for easier viewing. Let me know if you catch any good clues or details that we can learn from: Original story:
In March of 2012, a San Antonio resident witnessed a humongous black triangle UFO hovering over the road. The witness claims to have seen UFOs on other occasions as well and suggests that UFOs can be summoned. Do you agree? As always, share your thoughts on this UFO sighting and more in the comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. MUFON case 99322: Video testimony: https://www.mufoncms.com/files_jeud8334j/99322_submitter_file1__B8941CCA336E4EB8B79C3C9019DFC75B.MOV |
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