Another "Tic Tac" UFO - or solid ball of white light/orb (it's hard to tell) - has been seen traveling in the sky in Texas. This time, it's a daytime sighting video out of San Antonio, which was uploaded to YouTube with no description. I'm trying to learn more about this case, but in the meantime you can check out the footage yourself and let me know what you think:
"I witnessed a black shaped Tic Tac pulling itself out of this 1 cloud" - San Antonio Sighting4/22/2022
Ever since the Pentagon released the famed "Tic Tac" UFO video, people have reported seeing similarly strange things in the Texas sky. I believe they saw these "things" before - but just called them cigar or rod or disc-shaped. Regardless, check out the latest testimony, submitted to MUFON (case 121800): Witnessed a ( TIC TAC) leaving a cloud..... 2 F-16's going in same direction. What do you think of this case? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
In the meantime, compare this sighting to others like it: "I heard absolutely no sound and noticed that the object was devoid of markings" - UFO Over Austin4/1/2022
An Austin, Texas resident spotted something strange in the sky a few days ago - specifically, a silent, cylindrical object hovering in the air. Although the witness did not have a camera on them at the time, they were able to draw a picture of the UFO and send it, along with testimony, to me: Driving home from work on Wednesday at about 1:10 PM, I turned from Davis Ln going east to north on Coastal Dr. Shortly after turning north, I looked to the west at a clear blue sky and noticed a rather large Silver/White cylindrical object hovering in place oriented in a North/South direction. The ends of it were rounded like a metal CO2 cylinder. At first, I thought it might be an airplane, but I noticed it had no visible wings or tail. It was rather low in the sky and was obscured somewhat by the trees lining the neighborhood and I moved farther north to get a clear view by pulling over at an intersection that would allow a full view of the object. There was another woman on the street walking her dog who was apparently unaware of the strange sight. I heard absolutely no sound and noticed that the object was devoid of markings, seams, lights, windows, or lettering of any kind and then it suddenly began to move south, as if someone had just stepped on an accelerator causing it to move deliberately at a constant, but not very fast, speed until it was no longer visible from the trees that blocked any further observation. I questioned what I was seeing, whether it was an aircraft or a blimp, but neither of those would act in such a strange way. It was apparent to me that the object was definitely out of place and not a typical aircraft. I had no camera available so I am offering a drawing I made to approximate what I saw. Could this be one of the "tic-tacs" that we have been hearing about? Compare this sketch and testimony to other similar sightings in Texas:
A really intriguing report of a "Tic Tac" UFO following a jet has been submitted to MUFON (case 119742). Read the testimony below, and let me know if you also saw this, too, or if you have theories or ideas about this sighting: White tic tac shaped object in broad daylight following jet Although there were no photos taken of this "Tic Tac" UFO, Texans have filmed them before. See the image below, which purportedly shows a white cigar, disc, or "Tic Tac"-shaped object that appeared in the daytime over Houston. Like this recent sighting, this UFO also appeared alongside a jet, as it was observed during an air show:
I have covered many "Tic Tac" UFO sightings in Texas, but this is one of the first times I've reported on a "black" "Tic Tac-shaped" object. Check out the testimony submitted to MUFON (case 119924): Black tic tac shaped object seen from SW El Paso above Rio Grande Did you see this UFO, too? Report your sighting so we can solve this mystery!
Do you have ideas on what this witness could have seen? Share them here in the comments or on Facebook or Twitter. |
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