A really amazing sighting of a long, bright blue streak over McAllen, Texas, which appeared as quickly as it disappeared, has been submitted to MUFON (case 98661). Although the witness didn't take a photo of the event, they did create a digital drawing of it, which they shared along with their testimony: Long blue light streak Is it possible that this witness saw a meteor? If so, it would be one of two large meteors seen in Texas this month. Meteors were also seen in Venezuela and Cuba this month!
Or could this witness have seen something else, like a spaceship zipping through the sky, or crashing? Share your thoughts on this recent UFO sighting in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
A really incredible and clear video showing a UFO smoothly flying high in the daytime sky was filmed by a plane passenger. Fortunately, the video was uploaded to YouTube: Spotted a UFO on our way to McAllen.
In the video, audio can be heard. Does this sound like audio from inside a plane? If not, that is a clue that this video is a hoax.
Otherwise, what could this video show? A balloon, high-tech military drone, aliens??? Share your theories in the comments below or join the conversation on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. Have you also see a UFO over Texas? Report your sighting!
A really terrifying encounter of the supposed Men in Black has been reported to MUFON (case 80321). A witness in McAllen noticed some jet-like UFOs in the sky, and though details were short on what exactly they saw, the witness then encountered two mysterious men dressed in black with eyes that didn't appear to blink: I was running at a park at 1:50 am on November 10th 2016. I saw 2 JetLike planes in the sky. They flew north flashing green and red lights. Then they appeared south again and traveled around all directions then they vanished. Suddenly, I saw a black and white man walking along side each other. They wore all black clothes. Long sleeves connected with there pants and hands.They had white shoes. They looked at ease did not even blink (an eye) and were looking forward. Never looked at each other. Felt like I was being watched when running by them. Even though they never turned to look at me. But, they appeared as soon the 2 JetLike planes vanished. I went home walking fast. I turned back when I left the park. They vanished too.
The Men in Black, believe it or not, have been seen showing up in different spots around the country (Tennessee, Iowa, Florida, Houston, ) over the last several months, as reported by local news outlets.
What could this uptick in MIB sightings mean?
Read also: Zak Bagans and Ghost Adventures Team Investigate Aliens, Men In Black - Fans Have Mixed Reactions
With the recent and amazing news stories about fighter jets causing sonic booms to rattle South Carolina, New Jersey and New York, it might be a good time to reach out to Texans again about what they're hearing in the sky these days.
A few years ago, people all over Texas reported hearing a haunting - and even irritating - humming and/or rumbling sound. Half a year later, strange sounds captivated Texans again, but this time the sounds were higher pitched - more of a trumpeting. People have been reporting strange things they've heard in the sky ever since, though. Read the blog comments below, which detail both booming and humming sounds: I live in temple and have been hearing it for a couple of years. I last for a couple of minutes and stops as quick as it starts. It has to be under ground. They say that there are underground tunnels all over the US, that use supersonic trains. There are even articles of nuclear powered tunnel diggers all rhe way back to the late 50'S. I have thought about it a lot, and cannot imagine what else it could be.
Also, it was just this past month when loud booms and even a light quake was reported in the Corpus Christi area. Was this caused by fighter jets as well?
There have been a few other YouTube videos posted, too, with strange siren-like sounds and deep vibrations. You can see these videos and the news report from Corpus below: Have you heard any mysterious sounds in Texas? Share your story, or your theories!, on the Facebook page.
A YouTube video featuring a black object traveling or floating in the daytime sky. When zoomed in, the UFO appears to be square-shaped: Translation: For literally saw this UFO (UFO) that was seen in the Parade of McAlen, Texas on December 6, 2014. We are not sure that is a balloon (BLACK) wireless, also do not know whether it was a drone without lights ... just know that wAS A FLYING OBJECT UNIDENTIFIED This could be a balloon (as the witness suggests in the description), but it's pretty difficult to tell without more information. Do you have more to add to this story? Did you see this anomaly as well? Report your sighting!
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