A really interesting report of a "shooting star" that then stopped and changed directions, has been reported to NUFORC (case 152105): yellowish haze sphere seen falling from the sky and then compressing and shooting westward Although there were no photos or videos taken of this incident, a similar phenomenon was seen south of Lipon, near Belton, Texas on November 30th:
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February 1, 2020 Update: A similar "UFO" may have been seen on December 23rd in Lipon, Texas, north of this sighting. Could the UFOs be related? Original story
A really fascinating account of a star-like object that "suddenly" started falling from the sky and then stopped and turned directions before continuing to fly, has been reported to MUFON (case 105020). According to the witness, another person also saw the same UFO and shared a photo of it on Facebook. Check out the witness' testimony and the purported photo below: round object surrounded by 8 blinking exterior lights What do you think was observed over Texas in late November? Was it a mistaken meteor? There was a "fireball" in Texas reported the same night to AMSMeteors.org, but that event occurred fairly far away in North Texas. Perhaps they were both late arrivals of the November Orionids meteor shower.
Or maybe aliens are visiting... Let me know what you think, as always, in the comments below, or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! And if you also saw this UFO, help crack this case and report your sighting.
A strange light wandering around the night sky and stopping to hover occasionally, before descending, as been posted to YouTube. Could this be a drone or a more mysterious craft? What would behave this way? As always, you be the judge!:
Could this have been the trick of an eye, or perhaps an RC plane? Read the full witness report, kindly submitted to TUS by a reader and please report your UFO sighting if you happened to see this craft, as well! My husband and I were leaving HEB grocery in Temple driving along Loop 363 on our way home. We were driving by Wildflower Country Club when we notice something Large with red, green, yellow and blue lights blinking in the sky over the loop. We were trying to figure what in the world it could be, as it was like nothing either one of us had ever seen. The craft seemed to just be following over the traffic and I opened our sunroof to try to get a better look as we drove directly beneath it. It was low enough to be noticed if you were looking, but high enough to make it difficult to see much other than the bright multi colored lights.
You guys remember all those strange sky sounds heard around the world? Well, they may be making a comeback in Texas. Someone heard a pretty terrifying growling, rumbling noise in the sky and shared the experience on the forum AboveTopSecret.com. About the time i mentioned above i went outside to check the mail,the most terrifying sound i ever heard,a cross between a huge growling,roaring noise coming from the killeen area passing over head and removing to the lampasas area,it sounded like it was coming from the sky,i looked up but didn't see any jets ,contrails are anything. The most sicking feeling was in the pit of my stomach because i thought something was going to crash, when i did go back in i was shaking so bad,my daughter also heard this,but she was inside.Did anyone else hear this?It was not a plane are jet from killeen area sounding nothing like them,move my post if not in right area Other Texans chimed in with similar experiences. Just north of you here in Waco last night people heard a rumbling noise and it wasn't SpaceX in McGregor as people who live close to SpaceX posted that they did not hear anything. No one ever figured out where it came from Since Killeen is near the Fort Hood army base, one theory is it's related to military activity, but this eyewitness says he's used to hearing that sort of thing, and this was nothing like it. To refresh your memory, here's one of the countless videos recording the strange sky sound phenomenon that's been happening all over the world during the past few years: |
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