"We know no one will likely believe us due to how crazy this sounds" - UFOs Reported Near Waco11/14/2022
A report of multiple slow and strange-moving orange lights over Texas been submitted to me by the witness, Heather Casanova. I am wondering if Heather may have seen Chinese lanterns (as they are orange circular lights that will eventually dim out), or fireworks, however the photo captured does not (on the surface) appear to tell that story: Myself and a friend were sitting on my back porch when suddenly, a dimish orange/redish light appeared over/behind my neighbors home on my right. We watched as it slowly got closer. It was moving pretty slowly. As it slowly glided over my back yard, I assumed it was some type of drone because of how low and slow it was moving. I even waved at it thinking it may have had a camera. It crossed over my back yard, low enough to hit with a baseball. Once it got a little passed the left side of my yard, it seemed to spontaneously combust with no smoke, dust, or sound. Just suddenly gone. IMMEDIATELY once that one disappeared, another one appeared exactly at the starting point of the first one. It was also slowly moving and low. Once it passed over, it made it just a little bit further to the right then also just disappeared into a thin line of light. Gone. ANNNDDDD... just as soon as that one disappeared, one more appeared, again, same starting point, but this one did not make it over my yard. I saw it, it slowly moved towards us, but didn't make it very far and did the same "disappearing act" as the first two. We know noone will likely believe us due to how crazy this sounds. But we were able to get a couple pictures. I am in contact with this witness, and am trying to learn more! If you also saw these UFOs, help to solve this mystery by reporting your sighting.
Otherwise leave a comment below, or on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram, about what you think this was!
8/8/22 Update: The witness has followed up with further detail, which may help us to solve this case. He let me know that he and the guard observed the orb for over five minutes, and during that time frame, it never moved or made a sound. Upon zooming in on the photo, the witness noticed a halo around the UFO. This is a common effect I see on many UFO photos, however, so I'm not sure if that's relevant or not. He also noted that he has a Mechanical Engineering degree, in case that helped add to his credibility. Original story:
Several years ago, a mysterious orb of light was seen hovering over a nuclear pant south of Fort Worth, Texas, according to a description and a photo sent in to me by the witness: I was at Comanche Peak Nuclear Plant for work. As I was walking up to the main plant entrance from the parking lot, I saw a white orb, hovering completely still over the plant. I quickly took a picture. One of the security guards was also walking in, and I showed it to him. We watched it for about 5 minutes, and it never moved. He radioed his superiors and we both went inside the plant. A couple of hours later, as I was leaving the plant, I saw the security guard again, and asked him if he learned anything. He said he was told it was a weather balloon. Yea, right. Thousands of feet in the air and not moving a bit. I'm not buying that. A security guard told him it was just a weather balloon, but he doesn't agree. Do you?
According to Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube, the DeDe in the Morning show, and other various online sources, a strange ring of lights (you could even say, flying saucer) was spotted over a neighborhood in Dallas. A video showing the UFO was uploaded to multiple channels, sparking news headlines, online comments, and a debate - are aliens invading Texas, or did this witness just misidentify a light pole? In the video, you can hear the witness reacting to the UFO, and you can also watch a plane fly by it. I can't find the original source video, so please let me know if have a link to that, or if you yourself were a witness to this! In the meantime, check out the video and some analysis below, and you be the judge on whether or not this was an extraterrestrial visitation, or a man-made, boring like a street light: I've covered sightings like this before, that were not as easy to debunk as street lights. 2014 was a very active year for these "flying saucers" in Houston, and although I'm sure some photos of street lights ended up in the mix, as far as I know, these sightings were never fully explained:
According to a Reddit thread that recently went viral, Jet Blue pilots have been circulating around footage showing a UFO over Texas. Check out the footage and TexasUFOs' UFOJane's analysis of it below:
Texas UFO Sightings has received a report of a strange-looking "orb" UFO seen in the daytime over North Texas. Apparently a plane, or possibly even two planes, also flew by the UFO. Perhaps the pilots were curious as to what the object was? Or do these photos just show a party balloon? (Interesting enough, in late November, a white "Tic Tac"-shaped UFO was seen following a jet over South Texas.) Check out the photos and testimony below, and as always, let me know what you think about this recent Texas UFO sighting. Seemed like a shiny big balloon but was flying way to high and flying too steady to be a balloon. Didn't make any noise and was gliding east. Then stopped and headed west. Either 2 planes were flying around it or one plane flew by it twice as I saw a plane fly by followed by another plane sighting flying a different direction around it |
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